Salem Newsletter 12.04.23


  • Nov 30- Dec 15 Hygiene Drive
  • December 7 Secondary Band and Orchestra Concert, 6 PM
  • December 8 Winterim Fees and Permission Slips Due
  • December 12 Elementary Missing Work Deadline
  • December 13 Science Fair
  • December 13 No Extended Day
  • December 14 Choir Concert, 6 PM
  • December 15 Spirit Wear Day
  • December 15 Secondary Missing Work Deadline
  • Dec 18- Dec 19 No Extended Day
  • Dec 20- Jan 2 NO SCHOOL, Winter Break

December Builders Theme: I am a builder when I look for ways to serve others (Kigatsuku)

Kigatsuku is a Japanese word meaning “an inner spirit to act without being told what to do,” or “see a need, meet a need.”  It’s simple; we don’t need to go out of our way; we don’t need to schedule it; we don’t need to travel to other countries.  We only need to look around us and see how we can help the person right in front of us.

Heroes for Hygiene Drive: Nov. 29 – Dec. 15

APA’s multi-campus annual donation drive has begun! This year, we are collecting hygiene supplies for Tabitha’s Way in Spanish Fork.  We are accepting shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, soap (either body wash or solid bar soap), lotion, Kleenex packages, deodorant and dental floss, standard sized toothbrushes, packaged combs/brushes, feminine hygiene products, diapers and baby wipes. Items must be unopened and unused. We prefer that items have at least 6 months before the expiration date.

Winterim Update- Fees and Permission Slips Due December 8 

All Winterim course assignments have been finalized. Your student’s class schedule and fees can be found in Skyward. All school fees must be paid by December 8 or your student may be scheduled into a different class without fees. All permission slips are also due by December 8.

For students who are participating in Dance, Futsal, Rugby, and Winter Adventure – they need to submit an additional permission form. Students DO NOT need a physical exam to complete that permission form.

2024-2025 Sibling Applications

We are thrilled to announce that the application process for the 2024-2025 academic year at American Preparatory Academy has officially started.  You can apply for siblings online at Q029WfTN0.  Please book a date for a student meeting. This is a required step in the sibling application process. After selecting a date on the calendar, you will be led to the form where you can identify it is a sibling meeting and not a tour that you have scheduled.

Policy Reminders

  • Acceptable use of email accounts – student emails are issued for academic purposes only. Students should not use their email to create group threads or for communicating socially. There is no expectation of privacy when using a student email account. Policy linked here
  • Gum is not allowed at school. Policy linked here
  • Students are not allowed to consume the following beverages during school hours: drinks with red dye, soda, or drinks containing stimulants of any kind, including caffeine or herbal stimulants. Caffeinated sodas and energy drinks are not allowed to be sold or provided to students on the school premises. Policy linked here

Winter Weather Closure

American Prep strives to follow Nebo School District with regard to school closures due to inclement weather or emergencies. However, there are times that Nebo District closes and APA chooses a delayed start at 10:00 am.  Parents should check our website ( and watch for emails/texts for school closure information. We send out emails and text messages as soon as a decision is made, between 6:00 – 7:00 am.

Parents are ultimately responsible for deciding if inclement weather is severe enough that they cannot drive to school.

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