Drop Off / Pick Up
Drop Off
- Enter the driveway from Salem Canal Road
- DO NOT enter the parking lot – this will be used for BUSES ONLY in the morning
- Drive around the school and drop off on the east side
- If the curb is full, use the extra lanes to wait your turn
- Exit and turn right only – this will keep traffic flowing smoothly

Drop Off – Updated October 1, 2024
- Enter from Elk Ridge Drive
- DO NOT enter the parking lot – this will be used for staff parking only
- Use both lanes to exit
- Exit left or right onto Salem Canal road
- Option 1 (preferred)
- Enter from Elk Ridge Drive
- Drive through the gate
- Go to the back of the school
- Enter from Salem Canal Road
- Take the first right into the parking lot
- Students walk to the building
- Staff member assists at crosswalk
- Parents stay in cars
- Students exit quickly
- Elementary students enter into the gym
- Junior High students enter into the hallway
- Parents leave immediately
- Traffic flows smoothly
Kindergarten Drop Off/Pick Up
- Enter from Salem Canal road
- Line up on the front curb
- Exit to Elk Ridge Drive

Pick Up Times
Once the entrance on Elk Ridge Drive is available, we will make changes to our pick up, but until then we will do the following: With only one entry and exit, we can have a maximum of 100 cars on campus at any given time. To accommodate for this, we will have 3 (three) dismissal times:
- Dismissal 1 – 3:10 pm (these cars must arrive between 2:45 – 3:05 pm)
- Dismissal 2 – 3:20 pm (these cars must arrive between 3:20 – 3:30 pm)
- Dismissal 3 – 3:35 pm (these cars must arrive after 3:30 pm)
We have assigned some students to participate in Academic Extended Day based on their standardized test scores, grades, and teacher input. If Academic Extended Day will not work for your family, please request a different dismissal and provide an explanation.
We encourage any parent who is interested in Academic Extended Day to request the last dismissal and have your students participate! This makes afternoon pick up easier, and gives your student(s) extra time to work on homework or get assistance from their teacher(s). Everyone in your family and carpool must be assigned to the same dismissal.
We encourage our families to create carpools – this will allow more students to be picked up during each dismissal. We are limited to 100 cars, but that could include up to 150 families if they are carpooling. If you have a carpool that will leave together EVERY DAY, include that information on the Google form. Both parties must request each other to be considered a valid carpool.
Pick Up Locations
We will also have 3 (three) pick up locations. These locations will be assigned to best meet the needs of our students.
- Back of school – Yellow (dismissals 1, 2, 3)
- Front of school – Pink (dismissal 3 only)
- Gravel parking lot – Blue (dismissals 1 & 2)
To make requests or changes to your pickup assignment, email mkimber@apamail.org.
Dismissals 1&2 – Updated 12.2.24

Dismissals 1&2 – Updated 10.21.24