Salem Newsletter 09.05.23


  • September 6             5th/6th Grade Take Flight Event
  • September 11            Academic Extended Day Begins
  • September 12           Parent Empowerment Meeting
  • September 14           Elementary Mid-Term Missing Work Deadline
  • September 25-29    College Week

September Builders Theme: I am a builder when I build with enthusiasm.

We use cheers in our classrooms at APA to bring enthusiasm to our days.  The rhythmic chants are an affirmation of excited learning.  They affect emotional animation and energy.  Ask your children to teach you a few of our cheers so that you can bring this same enthusiasm into your home.

Parent Empowerment Meeting

Our first parent empowerment meeting will be about internet and cell phone safety.  This will be a virtual meeting at 7 PM on September 12th. You can join this meeting by using the following zoom link: j/89267303321

College Fair – Calling All Parents!

Announcing our first annual College Fair!! This is only possible with amazing parent volunteers.  Did you love your college experience?  Do you have a career you are passionate about?  Then  you would be perfect to join us this year! Wednesday, September 27th is the date! Watch for the sign up genius link, but save the date for now!

Volunteer Hours and Contributions

We are grateful for all of the ways parents contribute to the success of APA.  While contributions are no longer counted as volunteer hours, we do want to recognize all of the ways that you contribute to APA. Please use this link to record any hours volunteered, items donated, or contributions made: jNMh7gEHkXYuMTMt8. Thank you, again, for all that you do for the school!

APA Yearbooks

Yearbooks can be purchased at the following website: using passcode 1013947202713106. The price for yearbooks is $22.68, but you can get a 10% discount if you order before October 31st. This website also includes options to include custom pages for your child by April 12th.

Reading University at Payson City Library

Payson Library has started adding our RU lists to their catalogs. You can view these lists on their website at In the search bar, you will type APA. You will then change the drop down box that says “In Library Catalog” to “In Lists.” Press search, and you should see the RU books they house at their library.

Salem Students Help Read the Constitution

On August 31, 2023, the first Utah State Capitol Constitution Live Reading Kick-Off was led by the Constitution Live Youth Council. There was a 45-minute live-streamed reading of the Constitution. Our Salem students that participated in this event are Emma Morgan, Rowan Meagher, Ellery Meagher, Afton Jewkes, Naomi Jewkes, Hazel Reynolds, and Lily Reynolds.  We are excited to follow this event with our campus reading of the constitution on September 19th.

Emergency App Drill  

Thursday at 2:40, our staff will be running a drill of our emergency app on our phones. If you notice staff briefly using their phones during carpool, it is a test of our system.

Professional Qualifications

Our parent surveys consistently express confidence and overwhelming satisfaction with our teachers at American Prep.  In accordance with state regulation, all APA teachers are licensed through one of three licensing paths: Professional, Associates, and LEA specific.  Parents are welcome at any time to request information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers including: 1) whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction or whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; 2) the baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree; and 3) whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.

District Parent and Family Engagement Policy

American Prep recognizes that parent and family engagement is key to student achievement.  We provide many opportunities for parents and family members to participate in, and stay informed of, their student’s academic achievement.  American Preparatory Academy trains staff annually during pre-service and teacher academy on how to communicate, build meaningful connections, and otherwise involve parents/families and the school.  These topics are reinforced during professional development opportunities throughout the year as needed.  Additional details regarding parent and family engagement are available in the annual Parent-Student Handbooks (PSHB) which are distributed annually, posted on the school websites, and available in Spanish at our West Valley campuses. For the full District Parent and Family Engagement Policy, please refer to this link on the policy page of the website.

School Parent and Family Engagement Policies

School Parent Involvement Policies vary slightly by campus and are located within the Parent-Student Handbooks . These Handbooks are distributed annually to parents and are now accessible on the APA website under the Parent Library drop-down tab. West Valley Parent-Student Handbooks will be available in Spanish.

Mandated Assessments and Opt-Outs

American Preparatory recognizes that Standardized Testing is an essential tool for measuring student learning and teacher success.  The data obtained from these assessments may be utilized by teachers and administrators to review student academic progress, plan instruction, and share with students and parents. Summative assessments allow for data to be used in public reporting about school quality. Parents may opt-out of most state standardized tests by submitting a Parental Exclusion form to the Academic Director.  You can learn more about the state assessments administered at American Prep and find the testing schedules for your student’s campus by following this link:

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