- November 14 Parent Empowerment Meeting, 7 PM
- November 20 Secondary Midterm Missing Work Deadline
- Nov 22- Nov 24 NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break
November Builders Theme: I am a builder when I express gratitude in word and deed.
William Faulkner said, “Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.” The latest brain research shows that feeling gratitude for 30 seconds six times a day (a mere three minutes!) will enable our neurons to fire and wire together around gratitude, and we will more easily and frequently access more gratitude.
Parent Empowerment Meeting- November 14
Among the many lessons learned during the last few years has been just how important it is to pay attention to our mental health and wellness, as well as our physical health. In reality, our physical and mental health are intertwined. Most symptoms of mental illness emerge in the teenage-young adult years. Join us for our virtual Parent Empowerment meeting on Tuesday, November 14th at 7 pm as we explore what mental health is, how to identify symptoms of mental illness, and how to get help. We will discuss the protective factors to help avoid serious issues. This topic is appropriate for students and parents, so invite your students to participate with you. See you on Zoom! You can join the meeting at the following link: Secondary students can have tardies remediated for attending with their parents (up to 3 tardies per student).
Secondary: Fidget Items, Thinking Putty
There are a limited number of students who have director approval to have a fidget item. Thinking putty is not an approved fidget item due to potential damage to the carpets.
Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA) Plans
The 2023-24 Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA) Plans are available on under Parent Resources, Plan, and Reports titled “Teacher and Student Success Act Plan (TSSA).” You may also find our campus TSSA Plans by going directly to this link:
Utah School Accountability Report Cards
The 2023 School Report Cards are available on under Parent Resources, Plans and Reports, “Utah School Accountability Report Card.” You may also find our campus report card by going directly to this link:
School Improvement Plan (SIP) and Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) Plan
The 2023-24 School Improvement Plan is available on under Parent Resources, Plans and Reports, “School Improvement Plan.” The TSI goals are included in this plan and marked in the far left column. You may also find our campus SIP by going directly to this link: