Dear Secondary Parents,
First, let me say how much fun we are having during Winterim with your students! It’s such a great time for learning new things, having minimal homework, and enjoying time together.
The relaxed nature of Winterim can become too relaxed, so please remind your students about the following:
- Full uniforms should be worn daily. During the winter months if students are cold the only options are sweater vests and cardigans, but they can wear both!
- Jackets, sweatshirts, and coats are fine during lunch, but those items should stay in lockers while students are inside and in class.
- Changing in/out of uniform
- Students participating in Winter Adventure can arrive in appropriate clothing and change into uniform after class.
- Students participating in Futsal should bring a PE uniform and change before and after class.
- Students participating in Rugby and Dance should change before class, but they don’t have to change back into uniform before they go home.
- Gum chewing – no gum please! Students found chewing gum at any time will be asked to help clean up gum around the school.
Thanks for all your support!