Ambassador Ball Dress Standards

Professional dress is required for all Ambassador Balls. Students may wear their full APA uniform or an outfit that meets the following professional dress standards:



      • Sleeve straps must be at least three inches wide, and backs must be fully covered.

      • Necklines should not be lower than the top of the underarms. A camisole or undershirt may be worn if needed.

      • If wearing a button-up collared shirt, a tie is required.



        • Dresses and skirts must reach the top of the knee cap when standing up straight.

        • Dress pants, slacks, or khakis must be worn with a belt if they have belt loops.



          • Comfortable dress shoes, uniform-approved shoes, or low heels (high heels are not


        Vest or Suit (Optional)

        We encourage students and parents to discuss ironing, polishing, and preparing for special events. Parents and students may decide together whether they will wear the APA uniform or follow the professional dress code outlined above.

        Clothing Review

        This Clothing Review is a graded assignment for their Character Development class. Due date: April 17

        Every student must demonstrate an understanding of professional dress by either:


            • Sending photo of themselves wearing their outfit (front and back, please include name and 8th period teacher) to Mrs. St. Peter

            • Wearing their outfit in person to the Character Development Office by the required deadline.

            • This Clothing Review is a graded assignment for their Character Development class. 

            • If a student arrives out of uniform, they will need to call home and wait for the appropriate pieces before returning to the event. The Clothing Review helps prevent this issue for parents.

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