Salem JH Update 3.14.24

Dear Secondary Parents,

1. We are excited to host Parent/Teacher Conferences today from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, and again tomorrow from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please come! I will also be available if you’d like to visit with me. Please sign up for a time here: 60B044FAAAB2CA1FD0- 48560833-conference

2. Tardy Report – we printed and sent home tardy reports for each student today. Please ask to see it! All tardies were resolved from term 1, and at the beginning of term 3 everyone started fresh with 0 tardies, so the report only covers term 3. Mrs. Hatch has notified parents whose students have who have more than 3 tardies in one period. These students will need to resolve them before the end of the term.  An easy way is to attend Parent/Teacher Conferences – one tardy will be removed per secondary teacher visited. Any tardies that are not resolved with PTC’s will require Saturday School attendance.

3. Parent Survey – please remember to complete the Parent Survey by tomorrow (Friday, March 15). Your amazing students will get FREE ICE CREAM if you do! e48ctTzG3vyjeThM6

Thank you!

Mrs. Peery

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