Salem Newsletter 12.11.23


  • Nov 30- Dec 15 Hygiene Drive
  • December 12 Elementary Missing Work Deadline
  • December 13 Science Fair
  • December 13 No Extended Day
  • December 14 Choir Concert, 6 PM
  • December 15 Spirit Wear Day
  • December 15 Secondary Missing Work Deadline
  • Dec 18- Dec 19 No Extended Day
  • Dec 20- Jan 2 NO SCHOOL, Winter Break

December Builders Theme: I am a builder when I look for ways to serve others (Kigatsuku)

There is something so deeply rewarding about this builders theme as we watch your children fall into the rhythm of kigatsuku.  Imagine the energy and influence of an entire community of kigatsuku as we work toward something better than just ourselves. Imagine doing it without reward or compensation. Imagine what we could accomplish if we did the simplest thing- see a need, meet a need.

Heroes for Hygiene Drive: Nov. 29 – Dec. 15

APA’s multi-campus annual donation drive has begun! This year, we are collecting hygiene supplies for Tabitha’s Way in Spanish Fork.  We are accepting shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, soap (either body wash or solid bar soap), lotion, Kleenex packages, deodorant and dental floss, standard sized toothbrushes, packaged combs/brushes, feminine hygiene products, diapers and baby wipes. Items must be unopened and unused. We prefer that items have at least 6 months before the expiration date.

2024-2025 Sibling Applications

We are happy to announce that the application process for the 2024-2025 academic year at American Preparatory Academy has officially started.  You can apply for siblings online at  Please book a date for a student meeting. This is a required step in the sibling application process. After selecting a date on the calendar, you will be led to the form where you can identify it is a sibling meeting and not a tour that you have scheduled.

Builders of the Month

Congratulations to our Builders of the month for November:

Allison Aguilera
Jackston Bastian
Micah Bradford
Boston Brockbank
Jaylani Carrera
Millie Cottle
Remy Davis
Kaylee Eatchel
Aaron Elmer
Jade Fajardo
Sowala Hunt
Wei Liao
Hanna Mourtgos
Ellery Neslen
Joseph Richards
Brooklyn Roberts
Stetson Tejada
Miranda Triste-Corona
Libby Watkins
Maeve Webster

Reading University Winners

Congratulations to our Reading University award winners for November:

Amelia Blatter
Charles Colver
Helen Davis
Mia Enz
Jane Garner
Wray Gormley
Atticus Gray
Benny He
Alivia Nielson
Greysen Nguyen
Rowan Peterson
Dottie Telford
Azariah Vega
Adam Williams

Snow Boots

On snowy days, students are welcome to bring snow boots if they wish.  They will have to change in and out of them at recess.  Snow boots are not allowed in class. Normal uniform shoes will need to be worn in class.

Lost and Found

Our Lost and Found will be cleaned out the Tuesday before Fall Break.  It is located in the vestibule in front of the elementary office.  Please make sure your students check for any lost items. Any remaining items will be donated at this time.

2024-2025 Calendar

We are including next year’s calendar with this newsletter:

The dates of the breaks are set so you can use this to plan vacations.

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