Welcome Back!
We are so excited to have your students return tomorrow! We wanted to give a last-minute update and reminder about what to expect. Please remember to do the following:
- Follow directions of staff
- Be patient and kind
- Pay attention to your pick up time, because you will not be allowed on campus before that time
Morning Drop Off
- Hang or show your tag – we need to make sure everyone is ready for pick up in the afternoon!
- Everyone should “come in the exit” on Salem Canal Road. Stay to the right and drop off in the back of the school.
- Do not enter the gravel parking lot unless directed there by a staff member. That is used for bus drop off and staff parking only.
Early Pick up
During the first few days of school, it would be so helpful to avoid any early pick ups. However, if you must pick up your student early, please park in the gravel parking lot in the orange stalls. If you park near the school you may not be able to leave once cars start lining up.
Dismissal 2
- Arrive between 2:20 – 2:30 pm
- Students are dismissed at 2:20 pm and will be led to the proper curb
- Pink and Yellow
- Enter from Salem Canal Road, do not enter the gravel parking lot
- Yellow stay to the right, Blue stay to the left until you get to your curb
- Blue
- Enter the gravel parking lot, form 2 lines
- As soon as your student(s) are in the car, move toward the exit, forming 2 lines if needed